
A Comparison Chart To Help You Decide

Cleanability Durability Hygiene Repairability Aesthetic Value Lifespan Versatility Cost Effective
Resin Flooring High High High Medium High High High Medium
Polished Concrete High High High Low High High High Low
Natural Stone Tiles Low Low Medium Low High Medium Medium Low
Ceramic Tiles Medium High Medium Medium Low High Low High
Vinyl Medium Low Low Low Low Low High High
Carpet Low Low Low Low Low – High Low Medium Low
Floorboards High Medium Medium High High High Medium Low


Resin Flooring:

While the author may be somewhat biased, the resin flooring has scored well on most categories, the areas of repairability and cost-effectiveness were scored only as medium. The Stone Resin system would have scored high on both these criteria also, however there are some decorative resin floors which are difficult to repair seamlessly. All other categories prove resin flooring to be an exceptional flooring choice.

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Polished Concrete:

A great choice for most criteria, once again repairability is an issue if major damage was to occur; versatility is fairly low – you either like the qualities of polished concrete or you don’t; cost-effectiveness is also low; other than that, they are beautiful floors, durable, clean, and hygienic.

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Natural Stone Tiles:

A popular decorative flooring option with high aesthetic value; possibly should have scored HIGH for lifespan except that natural stone is highly susceptible to staining from acidic foods, losing original gloss levels and a range mystery problems unique to stone. As with all tiles you have to compete with grout lines to keep your floor clean and hygienic. Those few things aside, natural stone is a real feature.

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Ceramic Tiles:

Scored LOW for aesthetic value as ceramic tiles have a cheap feel about them. That aside, ceramic tiles are cheap, extremely tough, easy to clean (except grout lines), and can last a lifetime and beyond.


Scored overall the worst of all floors analysed; vinyl is a cheap option and looks cheap as well. Known for it’s lack of hygiene (bacteria harbouring underneath or in nicks in the surface etc), and when damaged requires whole sections to be removed.


Carpet is great in the right scenario – warm, soft, inviting. Scores low points for hygiene and ease of cleaning.

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Fantastic flooring option, unique aesthetic appeal, does require regular maintenance and cleaning, and quite expensive.

For more information and pricing on Resin based flooring systems contact Hawk Concrete Floor Coatings.

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