Waterproofing Your Floor

Waterproofing can come in two forms; waterproofing as a preventative method and waterproofing to fix a moisture issue. At Hawk CFC, we offer both services and many of our resins are already 100% waterproof from the time of manufacture.
If you have concerns about moisture issues within your concrete, be sure to let us know so we can carry out moisture tests for you, fix the problem and install a new floor that will last a lifetime.
If your floor will need to withstand excessive amounts of water such as rain or washdowns, we will add extra protective additives to ensure your floor is over-engineered for your peace of mind.
Any moisture or liquid related concerns should be mentioned at the initial consultation so we can get you an accurate quote as soon as possible and have you enjoying your new floor in no time.
If you need to consider waterproofing, you may also need to consider chemical resistance or HACCP certifications.